Town Hall Meeting

26 Oct 2005

Help Bernie Sanders Become Senator

Bernie Sanders is an independent running in Vermont. He is honest and fights for very important issues, such as corporate domination of media, workers rights, and protecting the environment. I donated some money to his campaign, which you can do too by going to his website:

Bernie Sanders

You can also learn more about what he is doing now in the House of Representatives at:

11 Oct 2005

Vote To Withdraw Troops From Iraq

Filed under: — Al @ 8:00 pm

Organizers in Massachusetts are sending out petitions to get on the November 2006 ballot an initiative to withdraw state national guard from Iraq. Their goal is “to prevent the [Massachusetts] Governor from sending any more National Guard troops to Iraq, and…are actively exploring similar initiatives in other states.” If you live in Massachusetts or know someone who does, go to

Sign This Petition

Democracy Now!
October 21, 2024

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