Town Hall Meeting

28 Jan 2007

The Water Buffalo Story

Filed under: — Administrator @ 4:02 pm

This is a great story about giving a much needed water buffalo to a poor family in China. The amazing part is how this can be done so cheaply for the typical American yet it is so life changing for this family. Its an inspiring story. Check out the video by clicking the link below, it is only about 7 minutes.

Thanks Quinn for the link!

19 Jan 2007

Iraq War Escalation Protest Pix

Filed under: — Al @ 6:27 pm

Surge the twins, George W. Bush! When will you listen: we reject your manifest destiny for capitalism. Click on the picture below for some images of the protest.

This picture is of a sign on the corner across from the protest. I am amazed at just how much Americans yearn for and idolize power and wealth. I don’t claim to be immune myself, but while protesting war and staring at this sign I have to ask, is there any virtue in wealth and power?

Los Angeles Iraq War Escalation Protest January 12 2007

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