Town Hall Meeting

24 Apr 2005

Will There Be Human Life On Earth In 100 Years?

Filed under: — Administrator @ 10:15 pm

For those of you who are wondering what we are really doing to ourselves and our planet, I IMPLORE you to read Elizabeth Kolbert’s article “The Climate of Man – I” in the April 25th issue of The New Yorker Magazine. This is the first of a three part article that creates a chilling (no pun intended) snapshot of where we are and where we are headed. Warning: do not read this immediately before going to sleep.


20 Apr 2005

Paul Wolfowitz Is Perfect For the World Bank

Filed under: — Al @ 10:19 pm

Isn’t he? In Iraq, he took a desperate war torn country and took all the state owned industries and privatized them. Now they are controlled by foreign companies (Halliburton, Bechtel, et al). Just what the World Bank is good at: taking resources from a nation’s citizens and giving them to corporations on a silver platter. This cover story from The Nation is titled “The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.” The idea is to take a country that is desperate, by a natural disaster such as Aceh after the Tsunami or by imperial means such as Iraq or Yugoslavia, and open the nation 100% to foreign business-a clean slate. Maybe the title of the article should be “Unrestrained Capitalism is the Disaster.”

07 Apr 2005

The Corporation Documentary

Filed under: — Al @ 6:03 pm

The DVD for the flim The Corporation is now available in the U.S. If you haven’t seen this movie, check it out. It was by far my favorite film of 2004. You can watch a preview here.

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