Town Hall Meeting

17 Dec 2009


Filed under: — Al @ 6:19 pm

“It’s legalized corruption, legalized bribery.” Lieberman is in a state that wants the public option 68% vs. 21% against. It so happens that by helping the insurance companies, he is personally benefitting, big time. His wife works in the pharmaceutical division of a PR firm that helps GlaxoSmithKline. One extra question I would add, is even if we do get him voted out (finally), where do you think he will work after his career in the Senate? My answer is he’ll be super wealthy lobbying for and working with the firms he is helping by destroying health insurance reform. This is legalized bribery, period.

A video used to be embedded here but the service that it was hosted on has shut down.

Support Larry Lessig and Change Congress. Until money is taken out of elections, all our other problems can’t get fixed – and this includes health, as the health care bill we are seeing before our eyes gets watered down to a possible disaster.

11 Dec 2009

“The People Speak” by Howard Zinn to Air on US TV

Filed under: — Al @ 1:23 pm

This is based on Zinn’s book “A People’s history of the United States: 1492-present” and the actual words of the people in the book, such as Helen Keller and Frederick Douglass. It’s going to appear on the “History Channel” on Sunday, December 13 at 8pm (7pm CT). Check it out, you will be amazed by the U.S. history you may have missed.

01 Dec 2009

Salvation Army Checks Immigration Status

Filed under: — Al @ 3:38 pm

Apparently some “charity” organizations have their limits! Children who are not in the U.S. legally are apparently deemed unworthy of toys. This includes the famous Salvation Army, among many others, according to a Houston Chronicle report. These charities check the “papers” before giving their help. In this time of giving, I suggest picking a charity that doesn’t discriminate. What a culture we have in the U.S!

Some toy drives check immigration status
By Jeannie Kever – Houston Chronicle

HOUSTON — They don’t claim to know who’s been naughty or nice, but some Houston charities are asking whether children are in the country legally before giving them toys.

In a year when more families than ever have asked for help, several programs providing Christmas gifts for needy children require at least one member of the household to be a U.S. citizen. Others ask for proof of income or rely on churches and schools to suggest recipients.

The Salvation Army and a charity affiliated with the Houston Fire Department are among those that consider immigration status, asking for birth certificates or Social Security cards for the children.

Read the rest here

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