Town Hall Meeting

17 Dec 2009


Filed under: — Al @ 6:19 pm

“It’s legalized corruption, legalized bribery.” Lieberman is in a state that wants the public option 68% vs. 21% against. It so happens that by helping the insurance companies, he is personally benefitting, big time. His wife works in the pharmaceutical division of a PR firm that helps GlaxoSmithKline. One extra question I would add, is even if we do get him voted out (finally), where do you think he will work after his career in the Senate? My answer is he’ll be super wealthy lobbying for and working with the firms he is helping by destroying health insurance reform. This is legalized bribery, period.

A video used to be embedded here but the service that it was hosted on has shut down.

Support Larry Lessig and Change Congress. Until money is taken out of elections, all our other problems can’t get fixed – and this includes health, as the health care bill we are seeing before our eyes gets watered down to a possible disaster.

11 Dec 2009

“The People Speak” by Howard Zinn to Air on US TV

Filed under: — Al @ 1:23 pm

This is based on Zinn’s book “A People’s history of the United States: 1492-present” and the actual words of the people in the book, such as Helen Keller and Frederick Douglass. It’s going to appear on the “History Channel” on Sunday, December 13 at 8pm (7pm CT). Check it out, you will be amazed by the U.S. history you may have missed.

02 Oct 2009

News Media Treatment of Protests

Filed under: — Al @ 1:30 pm

Tea Party Protests vs. G-20 Protests, do you think both are treated the same by law enforcement or covered by TV news in a similar manner? Once again, The Daily Show does a better job of reporting than all other TV news.

24 Sep 2009

Bush Emergency Address to Nation 1 Year Ago

Filed under: — Al @ 11:47 am

I hope the US news companies all air this speech in its entirety today. If you don’t painfully remember, the basic theme of the speech: give money to me so I can keep the powerful from losing all their money, otherwise we are taking you all down with us. Quotes below, in chronological order, are doozies:

“Most importantly, my administration is working with Congress to address the root cause behind much of the instability in our markets”

“These are not normal circumstances, the market is not functioning properly”

“…irresponsible actions of some, to undermine the financial security of all”

“…the government’s top economic experts warn…America could slip into a financial panic, and a distressing scenario would unfold…”

“[the bailout plan will] remove risks posed by ‘troubled assets'”

“we expect that much, if not all, of the tax dollars we invest, will be paid back”

“Once this crisis is resolved, there will be time to update our financial regulatory structures. Our 21st century global economy remains regulated largely by outdated 20th century laws. Recently we have seen how one company can grow so large, that its failure jeopardizes the entire financial system.”

“democratic capitalism is the best system ever devised” (Did anyone ever get to vote for/against capitalism?!?! If not, how is it democratic exactly?)

“good luck losers, I’m retiring in two months!” (Okay, this last one was added by me)

12 Aug 2009

Think of a Map

The Israel/Palestine debacle can be confusing and nuanced. I highly recommend looking at a map anytime you are thinking about or discussing this issue. It is a great way to start a discussion from an honest place. In case there is yet another peace deal made, don’t buy into it unless you first see a map with clear borders, pointing to the settlements and Israel-only highways in the West Bank. I believe this is important not only because it will lead to justice, but because it is easier for the average person to understand.

The best place for maps of Israel and Palestine can be found at The Foundation For Middle East Peace. You can find all their maps here.

The most disturbing maps are of the West Bank. Check out a full screen view of the below West Bank Map here. The dotted green line is the internationally recognized border of the West Bank, written in 1949, the so-called “green line.” However, looking at a map, you can see just how aggressively Israel has usurped Palestinian land, beyond what they were given after World War 2.

West Bank Map Divided Partitioned

This short video from American Friends Service Committee has a very enlightening set of maps of the West Bank that really tells you just how much land has been taken from Palestinians since 1948.

For more detailed information on Israel and Palestine and America’s involvement, watch this interview with Phillip Wilcox, President of the FMEP.

29 Jul 2009

Beware of Politico

Filed under: — Al @ 7:53 pm

For those of you out there like me, who are wondering where Politico came from and why are they all over the place, Glenn Greenwald, as usual, has an excellent analysis. He shows that after declaring in an article July 27th that there are only 3 house seats for grabs in 2010, and all are currently Republicans, Politico today ran a cover article talking about a “GOP Resurgence” for cryin out loud! Apparently Politico is run by a long time GOP operative. In another post, Greenwald says: “President and CEO of Politico, Frederick Ryan, is also the Board Chairman for the Reagan Library. And that makes sense, because Ryan is a long-time, hard-core Reaganite.” BS headlines like this “GOP Resurgence” are meant to drive web traffic (from a link by Drudge, for instance) and get booked on talk shows, not for relaying accurate information. Watch out, they are selling a product, not informing.

19 Jun 2009

The Consequences of Losing

Filed under: — Al @ 2:23 pm

I admit it, we regular folks lost the battle when that uber bailout of $800 billion was given to Wall St. banks. When Bush, Paulson, Geithner, Bernanke, Frank, Dodd, Reid and Pelosi gave all our money to bailout Wall Street corporations, aided and abetted by then-candidate Obama and McCain. The writing was on the wall and now Washington has ruled out a bailout for California, the 8th largest economy in the world, which has a $24.3 billion budget gap. Check out this excellent 30 minute report on California, called “Fault Lines – California: Failed State.” Hint: Milton Freidman would love the solutions being put at the front of the table…sell off all our parks and other public assets to private companies while any tax increases are out of the question. It sucks to lose, and we are just now starting to pay for it.

Part 1:

Part 2:

11 Jun 2009

Reagan Was Worse Than George W. Bush

Filed under: — Al @ 10:41 am

Great article by an excellent journalist, Robert Parry…

Was Ronald Reagan an Even Worse President Than George W. Bush?
By Robert Parry, Consortium News

Granted, the very idea of rating Reagan as one of the worst presidents ever will infuriate his many right-wing acolytes and offend Washington insiders who have made a cottage industry out of buying some protection from Republicans by lauding the 40th President.

Cruelty with a Smile
With his superficially sunny disposition – and a ruthless political strategy of exploiting white-male resentments – Reagan convinced millions of Americans that the threats they faced were: African-American welfare queens, Central American leftists, a rapidly expanding Evil Empire based in Moscow, and the do-good federal government. In his First Inaugural Address in 1981, Reagan declared that “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

To marginalize dissent, Reagan and his subordinates stoked anger toward anyone who challenged the era’s feel-good optimism. Skeptics were not just honorable critics, they were un-American defeatists or – in Jeane Kirkpatrick’s memorable attack line – they would “blame America first.”

Love Reagan; Hate Bush
Ironically, George W. Bush has come in for savage criticism, but the Republican leader who inspired Bush’s presidency – Ronald Reagan – remained an honored figure, his name attached to scores of national landmarks including Washington’s National Airport.

Click here to read the entire article

08 Jun 2009

Contemporary American Racism

Filed under: — Al @ 2:33 pm

This video from ABC’s 20/20 shows a glaring example of racism in America today. Sorry people, your job isn’t done – racism is far from over. Part 1 is an experiment where 3 white teenagers vandalize a car in public. Part 2 is 3 black teens doing the same thing. Just check out the reactions from the members of the mostly white, suburban community where the experiments took place.

For those who like to use the simplistic “But Obama is President” argument, doesn’t that mean by definition that the 46% who voted for McCain are racist? And the 100,000,000 people who did not vote at all, are they also racist? (voter turnout in 2008 was only 56.8%).

Part 1:

Part 2:

22 May 2009

Breaking Through the Propaganda on Pakistan

Filed under: — Al @ 4:41 pm

The PBS show Bill Moyers Journal (last Friday) started with an extremely enlightening discussion about Pakistan, with 2 people who have actually lived there (again, what a journalistic concept!). It seems most of the fear mongering is not true, sound familiar? For example, the “Taliban” in Pakistan are not really all Taliban. In reality there are a handful of different factions who do not all agree with each other that are being lumped in to the word “Taliban” by the US Establishment (mass media, political leaders, pundits). Then there are only about 4000 of these “bad guys,” vs about 550,000 Pakistani military forces. And the fact that Pakistan was able to get rid of a military dictator and demand free and fair elections and ended up electing the most popular candidate at the time (who has his own issues of corruption though), is considered a weak and unstable place!? What a propaganda job we are getting here in the good ‘ol US of A!

You may ask, “What is the motive for the fear-mongering?” The answer is the US wants Pakistan to do something it does not want to do, so threatening them and calling them unstable will force them to take action they would not otherwise take. In this case, the US wants them to militarily attack the northwest territories as a backstop for the US military’s efforts in Afghanistan.

Watch Bill Moyers, Shahan Mufti, and Juan Cole Discuss Pakistan

Watch Moyers, Mufti, and Cole Discuss Pakistan

20 May 2009

“Since 1945, the United States has lost 11 nuclear weapons”

Filed under: — Al @ 11:49 am

Amazing article by an excellent journalist Jeffrey St. Clair. It’s about a nuclear bomb that was lost off the coast of Savannah, GA in 1958 when two military planes accidentally hit each other. The government never recovered the bomb, so it sits there to this day. Instead they spent their time on a PR campaign in order to calm nerves in hopes to keep their precious nuclear program. Not to worry though, “We’ve looked into this particular issue from all angles and we’re very comfortable,” says the US Air Force. Your Department of Defense/War at work…

When We Almost Nuked Savannah
The Case of the Missing H-Bomb
By JEFFREY ST. CLAIR, CounterPunch

Things go missing. It’s to be expected. Even at the Pentagon. Last October, the Pentagon’s inspector general reported that the military’s accountants had misplaced a destroyer, several tanks and armored personnel carriers, hundreds of machine guns, rounds of ammo, grenade launchers and some surface-to-air missiles. In all, nearly $8 billion in weapons were AWOL.

Those anomalies are bad enough. But what’s truly chilling is the fact that the Pentagon has lost track of the mother of all weapons, a hydrogen bomb. The thermonuclear weapon, designed to incinerate Moscow, has been sitting somewhere off the coast of Savannah, Georgia for the past 40 years. The Air Force has gone to greater lengths to conceal the mishap than to locate the bomb and secure it.

Read the rest here

CounterPunch - Lost Nuclear Bomb Near Savannah

On a side note, if you haven’t read it yet, check out his book Whiteout which is part of our progressive library.

15 May 2009

Timeline for “US debt on default path”

Filed under: — Administrator @ 2:23 pm


“The US dollar will inevitably bear the full and ferocious brunt of the decidedly hyper-inflationary policies of Washington, notwithstanding the Federal Reserve’s empty promises to reverse such policies swiftly to protect the currency when inflation inevitably rears its ugly head again.”

“All the while, the strongest evidence indicates that when economic recovery finally arrives, it will be feeble at best for years to come. So the financial and economic sectors won’t be able to withstand any promised rapid reversal of Washington’s hyper-inflationary policies. But nor will the dollar be able to withstand the option of leaving such policies in place. Washington is therefore setting up the most colossal catch-22 imaginable for the dollar and for the US economy. The dollar cannot survive such a scenario intact.”

China and its Eastern partners in Asia and the Middle East, have soured on the dollar’s future beyond the short to medium term. They’ve entirely lost faith in the ability of the US to really get its monetary, financial and economic houses in order before the repercussions of shortsighted policy come home to roost with a vengeance. They’re preparing new solutions that will take two or three more years to fully enact but which will shove the dollar aside toward the margins of international finance and international monetary policy. The handwriting is therefore on the wall for dollar-denominated financial assets.”

“When the catch-22 alluded to above soon becomes fully set in place and irreversible, say in the next few months when sufficient new sovereign debt is actually racked up, and then a short distance farther down the road when Washington, the Fed and the Treasury try to withdraw the present hyper-inflationary policies and find themselves fully trapped in that catch-22 bind, with no viable way out – say within the next 12 to 24 months – then Washington may have no choice but to let the Treasury default on some flavors of sovereign debt, while simultaneously inflating away some other flavors.”

“Unless the most rosy and unrealistic scenario comes about wherein vibrant US economic growth returns very soon, unless the government toxic asset and bailout plans become renowned successes, unless securitization gets a new lease on life and America is able to quickly get its house in order in the next three to four years, the dire forecasts here for US sovereign debt defaults and a dollar crisis, with all their colossal implications and repercussions, are unavoidable in the next 24 to 36 months at most. The UK and Japan face a similar outcome.”

-Thanks G for the excerpts and link!

Where are the US news media and leaders? Simple economics 101 teaches that massive deficits and debt will lead to inflation or default or both. People should be warned so they can take measures to protect themselves!

14 Apr 2009

Pirates and the 21st Century

Did anyone know that the 3 pirates killed by the US military were aged 17-19? Check out this interview by Davey D (Oakland representin) of K’naan a Somalian rapper, poet, activist about piracy. Again, what a novel journalistic technique: interview someone who is from the country you are reporting about! The largest point is the mass media omission of the fact that nuclear waste is being dumped into the ocean off the Somalian coast.

11 Mar 2009

If You Are Trying To Avoid Foreclosure…

Filed under: — Al @ 6:56 pm

So as of today in the United States, foreclosure is a major issue. One article says that there were 2 million foreclosures in 2008 and could be up to 10 million in “the coming years.” While this article says that “19 million homes and apartments across the country – one in seven – are now sitting vacant as the foreclosure crisis takes its toll.” And 1.5 million foreclosures a year are due to medical costs (can we get single-payer instituted TODAY please!).

So a woman in Florida is one of many homeowners who have figured out a way to fight back — force the bank to prove that they own your mortgage and show you their paperwork. A huge part of this whole mortgage meltdown is due to the fact that banks could sell away your loan to others. This previously non-existent commodity would be known as “mortgage backed securities.” This insane idea was concocted in the 1980’s at the firm Salomon Brothers (now a part of the also infamous Citigroup) and is detailed in Michael Lewis’ great book “Liars Poker.”

Michael Lewis Liars Poker

Check out this article explaining the story and how it may work for you.

13 Feb 2009

Think About Signing the Petition for Truth Commission

Filed under: — Al @ 6:27 pm

I signed it. I think its important, I hope you do too. War crimes and illegal actions must be prosecuted. Obama is totally wrong on this…a truth commission does not “look backward,” and IT IS “looking ahead,” because it means we want to show future people that your ass will be thrown in jail for this shit!


10 Feb 2009

America the Beautiful?

Filed under: — Administrator @ 4:23 pm

We really are a country to envy, right?
So Christian at heart.

Man who froze over $1K in unpaid bills had $600K

BAY CITY, Mich – An attorney says a 93-year-old Michigan man who froze to death after a power company restricted electricity to his home over roughly $1,000 in unpaid bills left an estimated $600,000 to a hospital.

Marvin Schur’s attorney, Cathy Reder, told the Detroit Free Press the World War II veteran bequeathed his entire fortune to Bay Medical Center.

Schur’s frozen body was found Jan. 17, four days after Bay City Electric Light & Power installed a device on his electric meter that cuts power after a predetermined level is reached.

State regulators on Wednesday issued emergency rules designed to protect more people against electricity or heat shutoffs in the winter.

-Thanks A for the link

31 Jan 2009


Filed under: — Administrator @ 3:35 pm

“Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.”
— Frederick Douglass

Thanks Daily Show for being honest. Remember, change only can come from below, not above!

Thanks G for the link!

06 Jan 2009

4 Bears

Filed under: — Administrator @ 6:36 pm

An informative chart, where does this bear market stand? (Click on it for a better view)

Four Bears

Thanks G for the link!

04 Dec 2008

Santa Claus Goes to Washington for Bailout

Filed under: — Al @ 11:04 pm

Due to global economic weakness, St. Nick does not have enough money to pay his elves, reindeer, or packaging costs. In this light, Santa has gone to Washington, DC to ask for a slice of the bailout pie.

“Although many of you have been naughty, authorizing the bombing of innocent people in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Iraq and Somalia, I am willing to give you a gift anyway, in return for $12 billion,” Santa said, speaking in front of the House Committee on Financial Services.

It remains to be seen whether Congress will okay the Santa bailout. “We have given over $1 trillion already to banks, insurance companies, and mortgage lenders,” House Rep. Barney Frank said. Multiple congressmen admitted they would probably pass this bailout, because they would miss their Christmas gifts too much. When asked why Santa should be considered for a bailout, House Rep. Spencer Bachus said, “It’s one thing for gross, poor kids to not get any toys on Christmas, but when my kid is affected by Santa’s financial struggles, well, it’s time to take action.”

It was noted that Santa did fly his usual private sleigh and team of reindeer. There were only 8 reindeer however, as Blitzen was sold to Donald Trump in Santa’s first tranche of liquidating his assets.

Eat your heart out Onion!

22 Nov 2008

Hope Really is on a Tightrope

Filed under: — Al @ 3:51 pm

Don’t all these appointments kinda make you ill? Why don’t they pick someone new? Such as for treasury, someone who has won a nobel prize for economics, like Joseph Stiglitz, or how about James
Galbraith? Obama doesn’t even seem to be trying to make his administration look like change. All this talk of hope is for a good reason, its all we have left!

Sic Transit: The Honeymoon is Looking a Bit Wan

Two years without a single leak and suddenly, last week, Obama’s operation was like a sieve. That’s what happens when you pick up the phone and call one of the Clintons. Or, to put it another way, that’s what happens when someone claims you, the president elect, picked up the phone and called Mrs Clinton to ask whether she’d like to be secretary of state.

Out the window goes the sense of purposeful strides towards a new-look Administration. In comes a dreadful feeling that somehow we’ve slipped a dimension in the space-time continuum and are heading back into the Clinton era. A couple of more weeks and the Republicans will be calling for a special prosecutor.

I’ve had people try to explain to me the political logic of Obama offering his erstwhile Democratic rival a top position in his cabinet. Better to have her inside the tent. Send her off on bouts of futile shuttle diplomacy, like Condoleezza Rice.

It still doesn’t add up. Why march back briskly into Clintontime? Besides, she’d make a lousy Secretary of State. Mrs Clinton has never displayed any talent for negotiation, nor even any conspicuous appetite to find out what is going on in the world, let alone come up
with a new vision of America’s role in the 21st century. She’s an interventionist by instinct, her finger twitching over the Bomb Release lever. She voted yes on the Iraq war. She was an ardent
advocate of NATO’s onslaught on Yugoslavia. If we do get Hillary at State we may get Madeleine Albright as one of her sidekicks – the woman who said in the late 1990s that starving half a million Iraqi children was “worth it”, probably the line that the 9/11 al Qaeda hijackers were muttering to themselves when they sped on their mission of revenge towards the Twin Towers. This is change?

The answer of course is that there has to be a good deal of similarity between the Clinton and Obama administrations, because Obama is a neoliberal interventionist like Bill, and because the 45 and 50-year
old veterans of the two Clinton administrations who have been cooling their heels in law firms and think tanks for eight years make up a high percentage of those in the hiring line, particularly those who placed an early bet on Obama. To round off the symmetry he new White House counsel will be Greg Craig, who defended Clinton during his impeachment.

The young people who worked for Obama and who voted for him have been feeling wan this week, amid all the retro talk about the Clintons. And the cabinet members Obama has announced or who are being bandied about are not inspiring. They’re dull like former Democratic senator Tom Daschle getting Health and Human Services. Howard Dean, who was a doctor and who had hands-on time grappling with health insurance when he was governor of Vermont, would have been a much better choice. Janet Napolitano, the Arizona governor slated to be head of Homeland Security, horrified labor organizers at one meeting earlier this year listening to her boasting about kicking migrant workers back into Mexico. One nominee headed towards a Republican roasting in his hearings is Eric Holder, named to be Attorney General. As number 2 in Clinton’s Justice Department, Holder played a grimy role in one of the most scandalous affairs of Clinton-time, the last minute pardon by Clinton of billionaire trader and denizen of the FBI’s most wanted list, Marc Rich. (See Jeffrey St. Clair’s account of the pardons for Holder’s central role in the affair.)

Other possible appointments are not demonstrative of a resolute change of pace. The talk is of keeping Robert Gates on as Defense Secretary, although Gates has made no significant mark on the vast pork barrel beside the Potomac. The conversion of this mucky schemer of yesteryear into revered emblem of sound governance is one of the many marvels of our age. Somewhere down the road we’ll probably end up with another slimy fellow, former Navy Secretary Richard Danzig, who counts among his regular roosts CSIS and the Center for A New American Security, also decorated by the odious Robert Kaplan and Dr John Nagl.

The most significant appointment will be Treasury Secretary. On current form Obama will play it safe with the top nominees to run this Department. The trouble here is that there is no safe option and the
usual suspects will have the usual limited perspective. He’d better get this one right. A conventional appointee could doom his administration right from the start.

In sum, this looks like a standard issue, business-as-usual cabinet in the making, about as exciting as looking at one of the regular network panel shows on a Sunday morning. Can’t they find anyone under 40 who looks like they might want to do things different and shake things up?

The Golden Age of Eating was….

But first a quotation from Paul Craig Roberts:

The Korean War ended 55 years ago, and the US still has troops in Korea.

Germany was defeated in 1945, and the US still has troops in Germany.

A country that must go hat in hand to its creditors must first look to where costs can be cut. Annual military spending of $700 billion is certainly a good place to start.

But the US government has far more hubris than intelligence and is on its way to being a failed state that has to print money to pay its bills.

It is not too late for the US to save itself and the dollar standard, but it would require a rapid transition from arrogance to humility. The rest of the world can bring America down by not lending to us, in which case neither the trade nor budget deficits could be financed.

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