Town Hall Meeting

20 May 2011

Facebook is ‘Most Appalling Spy Machine Ever Invented’

Filed under: — Al @ 7:27 pm

FYI to Facebook users (Google or Yahoo! too). The interview touches on Facebook about 2 minutes in. He also touches on how the NY Times and the Guardian have broken their agreement to only redact things that save peoples lives – they now redact wikileaks info to save reputation and profit.

The interview was done by the Russia Times and the text can be found there.

16 May 2011

Bring the Troops Home Now Please!

Filed under: — Al @ 11:20 am

On May 1st, 2011, we learned that an operation in Pakistan killed Osama bin Laden. After 10 years of war and the death of Osama bin Laden, it’s time to bring the troops home from Afghanistan. With al-Qaeda driven from the country and Bin Laden now dead, the [SLIVER OF] rationale for war has evaporated. It’s time to stop now. The swift withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan must begin immediately. If you haven’t already, sign the petition and we’ll deliver it to the White House this week.

In case you feel alone as I do sometimes, here is an ABC News/Washington Post poll result on Afghanistan. Notice this is 2 months before the recent Bin Laden news…

“Do you think the United States should or should not withdraw a substantial number of U.S. combat forces from Afghanistan this summer?” 3/10-13/2011
Should not

“Do you think the United States will or will not withdraw a substantial number of U.S. combat forces from Afghanistan this
summer?” 3/10-13/2011
Will not

07 May 2011

400 Have More Wealth Than 150 Million Poorest

Filed under: — Al @ 9:18 pm

That is not a typo. This was stated by Moore recently at a Wisconsin demonstration. It is true – it was fact checked by the organization Politifact. See the link below for the full explanation of how they verified it.

Make sure to keep this in mind when people talk about how to deal with the deficit.

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