Town Hall Meeting

02 Jan 2013

3 Maps Over Time

Filed under: — Al @ 5:24 pm

Some things are just blatant!

Slave states to segregation states to republican states

I must note that the “northern states” are not a utopia of diversity either, the racism there is more subtle and just institutionalized. To paraphrase Chris Rock, racism isn’t over when exceptional black people advance into jobs like Jackie Robinson, Oprah or Barack Obama, it’s when substandard black folks get these jobs too (like a black George W. Bush!).

-Thanks Jeffe for the image

12 Nov 2012

Asshole Banks

Filed under: — Al @ 5:27 pm

I loved this “New Rule” from one of Bill Maher’s recent shows.

“New Rule: The big banks have to stop figuring out ways for us to hate them more. [slide of Wells Fargo ad] This new Wells Fargo ad asks, “What is Wells Fargo doing to help the local economy? Answer: They’ve loaned money to small businesses.” Which sounds great until you remember, they’re a bank. That’s what banks do.

“It’s like Charmin running an ad that says, “We’re helping the local community by selling you something to wipe your a** with.”

I still see these ads all the time and every one reminds me of Maher’s joke. These banks stoop so low I wonder how much longer we will keep them in business.

06 Aug 2012

Facebook CIA Project

Filed under: — Al @ 4:13 pm

Funny and true. Very very true.

25 Jun 2012

Condemning the U.S.

Filed under: — Al @ 12:42 pm

I wanted to share this quote by Noam Chomsky about condemning the actions of the United States:

My own concern is primarily the terror and violence carried out by my own state, for two reasons. For one thing, because it happens to be the larger component of international violence. But also for a much more important reason than that; namely, I can do something about it. So even if the U.S. was responsible for 2 percent of the violence in the world instead of the majority of it, it would be that 2 percent I would be primarily responsible for. And that is a simple ethical judgment. That is, the ethical value of one’s actions depends on their anticipated and predictable consequences. It is very easy to denounce the atrocities of someone else. That has about as much ethical value as denouncing atrocities that took place in the 18th century.

This is cited in Glenn Greenwald’s latest post and I wanted to highlight it here – it takes real courage to face up to people right in front of you.

This goes to all the loyal Democrats who think that because Obama is President that atrocities and war crimes are now okay. We need to confront crimes when we see them. Spying without warrants is still bad, kill lists are bad, bombing civilians is still bad, indefinite detention without criminal charge is still a crime, prosecuting whistle blowers remains bad, invading or occupying countries that never attacked you is still really, really bad.

21 Jun 2012

People of Earth

Filed under: — Al @ 9:27 am

Inspirational video posted on youtube using Charlie Chaplin’s speech from the film The Great Dictator.

The only thing I might change about the video is to include how American’s are doing the brutality and torture and are also a victim of it. The images in the video portray the problems in the speech as only belonging to other countries or peoples. Yet it appears Americans (or English speaking folks) are the intended audience.

27 Apr 2012

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Filed under: — Al @ 9:50 am

When it comes to who wins the massive federal spending competition, it’s not even close. Most of your money goes to one thing: the very loosely named “Defense.” In 2012, under a “socialist, anti business, pacifist” (yeah, right) President, “Defense” was given $707 billion. Remember, that is for 1 year! For a little context, spending on housing was $67 billion, and education was $73 billion.

Some people like to confuse the issue of federal spending by bringing up Medicare and Social Security. Those are paid for separately, and should never be part of this conversation. That’s why in your paycheck, you have one line for “Federal Tax” and one for “Medicare” and “FICA” (aka Social Security). The pie chart shows how the “Federal Tax” is divided. And this is the tax that everyone gets so upset about, such as when people say lets raise the top federal tax rate from 35% to 38% on income above $250k (another annoying thing is people don’t realize that income up to $249k isn’t effected at all).

2013 Budget Pie Chart

And even worse, if you count other reasonable things as “Defense,” such as veterans affairs, homeland security, and veterans health and pensions, the total number becomes over $1 trillion, again for just 1 year! Isn’t this how countries fail? While people are homeless, unemployed, underemployed and sick, the elites are polishing their fancy new toys.

03 Mar 2012

U.S. Navy “Disposes” of Old Ships by Sinking Them at Bottom of Ocean

Filed under: — Al @ 3:09 pm

Wow, this is unbelievable. They call it “SinkEx” for Sink Exercise. The U.S. Navy blows up old warships with missiles and torpedoes, including an aircraft carrier, off the coast of California and Florida. Obviously this could cause lots of problems for the environment.

Check out the AP article here:

In the past 12 years, this has been done 109 times. Again, UNBELIEVABLE. While people struggle to meet their basic needs, the military shines its billion dollar toys, and blows up the old ones with million dollar missiles. The whole thing is repugnant. The Navy says its okay what they are doing because it gives them useful testing of their weapons. So…what is more important: sustaining life through a clean environment, or they possibly/maybe/could improve at blowing shit up?

Some reports I read just make my head spin in disbelief. Thanks to the reporters for exposing this story.

08 Feb 2012

2011 Inflation is 3.0%

Filed under: — Al @ 10:01 pm

CPI is double what it was in 2010. Remember to keep the inflation rate in mind when negotiating wage increases at work, or returns on investments.

2011 Consumer Price Index: 3.0%

2011 Producer Price Index: 4.8%

30 Jan 2012

Miss Piggy Slams Fox News

Filed under: — Al @ 7:05 pm

You know when the Muppets are against you, you are in need of some serious soul searching.

05 Jan 2012


Filed under: — Al @ 10:34 am

Police protect the bull, an inanimate object, while the rest of us are left to be beaten down by filthy rich individuals and corporations. This video is another great action by OWS to show the dirty underbelly of who gets protection and who gets the billy club.

31 Dec 2011

Nina Simone – Mississippi Goddam

Filed under: — Al @ 6:08 pm

Nina Simone was an amazing talent and also a humanitarian. Props to Nina.

Happy New Year!

09 Dec 2011

Descriptive “Map” of New Jersey

Filed under: — Al @ 8:22 pm

Zoom in to see all the specifics. Every state should get one of these!

New Jersey Map - by Joe Steinfield

AP article here on the artist and the reaction.

Thanks G for the link!

06 Dec 2011

Occupy Uprising Bat Signal for the 99%

Filed under: — Al @ 3:59 pm

Reclaiming wall space with a “we are the 99%” bat signal. For once some outdoor art that isn’t trying to sell us consumer crap!

Thanks G for the link!

28 Nov 2011

Judge Rules SEC-Citi Settlement is B.S.

Filed under: — Al @ 7:59 pm

The settlement was for $285 million. Which is nothing compared to the billions they made on toxic mortgages they sold as AAA rated loans. This is fraud, and should be treated as a criminal lawsuit. Other than basic justice, trying this case and similar ones with other banks will help clean out the system of rot. This is from the AP article

A judge on Monday used unusually harsh language to strike down a $285 million settlement between Citigroup and the Securities and Exchange Commission over toxic mortgage securities, saying he couldn’t tell whether the deal was fair and criticizing regulators for shielding the public from details of the firm’s wrongdoing.

U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff said the public has a right to know what happens in cases that touch on “the transparency of financial markets whose gyrations have so depressed our economy and debilitated our lives.” In such cases, the SEC has a responsibility to ensure that the truth emerges, he wrote.

The settlement would have imposed penalties on Citigroup but allowed it to deny allegations that it misled investors.

Citigroup said in a statement that it disagreed with Rakoff because the proposed settlement was “a fair and reasonable resolution to the SEC’s allegation of negligence” and was consistent with long-established legal standards.

Adam Pritchard, a professor of securities law at the University of Michigan Law School, said courts could become clogged with cases that would normally be settled if other judges adopt Rakoff’s reasoning and deprive companies of their incentive to avoid trial.

The defense of Citigroup is preposterous – they are saying we love the deal we got to pay out $285 million! Now that you reject it, then we’ll say we are innocent! Some mental gymnastics are required to understand that one. And the UM law professor saying this is bad because it clogs up the courts. Wow, interesting legal point of view. We shouldn’t prosecute criminals because it’s too time consuming. How is this person an expert?

Read the full article here.

PS: Sorry I haven’t written in a while, my wife and I had a healthy baby boy and that has taken up about 99% of my time the past several weeks.

31 Oct 2011

Move Your Money Nov. 5

Filed under: — Al @ 2:41 pm

“Remember, remember the 5th of November.” A call has been made for all of us to move our savings, no matter how small, to a local bank or credit union. This is in homage to the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 in England, or for us youngsters, V for Vendetta. :)

Go to the Facebook page of Kristen Christian, the woman who started the Nov. 5th idea, or find a community bank or credit union near you at the Move Your Money site. Remember that credit unions are non-profit, which in my experience makes them the better choice.

07 Oct 2011

Corporate Personhood – ‘Nuff Said

Filed under: — Al @ 6:02 pm

Corporations Are People?

Thanks for the image K!

30 Sep 2011

2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner Kills 2 More People Today

Filed under: — Al @ 5:43 pm

Another sign we live in bizarro world. President Obama carried out the goal of killing Anwar al-Awlaki along with another US citizen today in Yemen. Apparently killing your own citizens is bad when Libya does it, or when Syria does it, but not when the US does it (or Bahrain or Yemen for that matter). Remember the good old days when we would get upset that President Bush would wiretap US citizens without a warrant or detain US citizens without charges. The Peace Prize winner has just taken that to a whole new level by killing without charges. Whoa this one is tough to get my head around.

Constitutional law expert Glenn Greenwald has great analysis on this here.

23 Sep 2011

Elizabeth Warren on “Class Warfare”

Filed under: — Al @ 11:11 am

It’s nice to see someone who is sane running for the U.S. Senate. The best point she makes is that no one gets rich alone.

22 Sep 2011

Troy Davis Executed

Filed under: — Al @ 4:00 pm

Somehow this tragedy finally became national news over the past few days, so you probably already know that last night at 11:08pm was the cold-blooded, premeditated execution of Troy Davis. It’s grotesque, repugnant, and evil. Even with all the facts behind you, the U.S. death penalty can still be used. My only hope now is this will lead to the outright abolition of the death penalty, so the U.S. can join the civilized world.

PS: Maybe I should make a list of how many things the U.S. has in common with our great bogeyman, the Taliban/al qaeda/etc, such as the death penalty.

02 Sep 2011

Four Noble Truths

Filed under: — Al @ 10:36 am

Since things are pretty ugly out there (endless wars, massive income inequality, etc.), I thought I’d share a little Buddhism with ya’ll on this Friday. Most of this information comes from Michael Benner, a great guy who teaches about mysticism and a class called The Ageless Wisdom. I am not religious, but I do believe some of this stuff.

“I teach about suffering and the way to end it.”
— Buddha

The Four Noble Truths are quite simple and straight-forward. They are pragmatic rather than dogmatic, and actually are closer to psycho-therapy than religion.

The basic idea is that we set ourselves up for misery — disappointment, sadness, depression, anger and hatred by desiring material things, money and power. We are so attached to what we desire, Buddha realized, that we miss the majestic beauty and awe in what is happening right in front of you, moment by moment. The unfolding moment is eternal, while everything material is impermanent and unfulfilling.

According to various sources, a simple rendition of the Four Noble Truths is as follows:

Suffering does exist
Suffering arises from attachment to desires
Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases
Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path

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