Gallery of Political Art
Plato's Cave - 16th Century
Go here for a great, interactive explanation of Plato's allegory, The Cave
Banksy - Outdoor Graffiti
Banksy is an excellent artist who does both outdoor graffiti art and indoor art pieces. His work is amazing and has a potent message. See all of his art here.
Banksy - Perhaps called "How does it feel?"
Banksy - Story board from his "Simpsons" intro
Check out the full Simpsons intro here
Banksy - Perhaps called "What are you thinking?"
Erika Rothenberg - Freedom of Expression National Monument 1984
Erika Rothenberg - Another Century of Progress 1999-00
Unknown Artist- Evolution Of Man
Leonardo Da Vinci - The Madonna of the Rocks (version rejected) 1483-86
Leonardo Da Vinci - The Last Supper 1498